LightStone123 Games Wiki
Fernanda Gutierrez
General Information
Age 18
Home Valencia, Spain
Gender Female
Games Information
Weapon Scythe
Fate Deceased
Appearances The Black Games

Fernanda Gutierrez is a female challenger that competed in the Black Games. She hailed from Spain. Overall, she placed 5th out of 30. 

Early Life[]

Fernanda grew up in Valencia, on the beach, and was raised by her mum and grandparents since her dad left her at 8. She plays the mean girl sometimes so she can avoid being a target for others hostility. She is very smart, but downplays it to make herself seem cool. She would be graduating high school next month. What she went through has made her stronger, but also scarred her a bit and made her have trust issues. She has friends but doesn't really care for them that much on a deeper, emotional level. She knows Spanish, English, and even a little bit of German. She cares for her mother a lot and wants to get home to her.

Personality []

Fernanda is unafraid and will do anything to get out of any situation. She is cunning and witty, and has no qualms about throwing someone else under the bus. She pretends to be dumb when she is really smart, and has no problem getting others to do her dirty work.

Appearance []

Fernanda has long brown hair that is very curly, so dark its almost black. Her eyes are also black, and her skin has been kissed by the Spanish Sun. She is 5'4.


Fernanda was among the thirty people chosen for The Black Games. At the start of the Games, she was sorted into Lambda Team, making her teammates with Shintaro Sosune and Harry Casey



Shintaro Sosune & Harry Casey

Other []

Killed by: Boone Dixon

Aftermath []




The Black Games